Saturday, September 4, 2010


I received a bunch of patterns off ebay and the following ones are the ones I do not want. If any of you would like one of these patterns, please let me know, if not, I will be giving them away on my other blog. So family first.

Momma, you and I have done this one below, out of the folded flower book.

I was given two of these.

I am doing a mail run on Thursday so I will give you all until Wednesday.....

Thanks...have a great Labor Day Week-end.

Toni Congrats on that baby girl.....can't wait to see pictures.


Cheryl Willis said...

The blood tests are not back yet but I think I am your long lost (whatever you have missing)....
I would like to get in line for the I LOVE YOU THIS MUCH pattern, that is so cute- (How come you haven't made one yet?)
Everytime I think I am ready to get rid of stuff, I come up with another idea for it and it sits and ages a bit.- cw

Maxwells said...

I'll take the touching stars - Margaret

JJ said...

I will take the double sawtooth star. Thanks JJ

Paul and Christine Michie said...

Thanks Aunt Barb. I am going to pass on the patterns.

Seams to Sew and Quilt said...

Barb, I love the pattern I love you this much... it so cute.. do you still have it?